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Friday, July 27, 2018

Elastic Load Balancing FAQ

Q: How do I decide which load balancer to select for my application?
Elastic Load Balancing supports three types of load balancers. You can select the appropriate load balancer based on your application needs. If you need flexible application management and TLS termination then we recommend you to use Application Load Balancer. If extreme performance and static IP is needed for your application then we recommend you to use Network Load Balancer. If your application is built within the EC2 Classic network then you should use Classic Load Balancer.

Q: Can I privately access Elastic Load Balancing APIs from my Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) without using public IPs?
Yes, you can privately access Elastic Load Balancing APIs from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) by creating VPC Endpoints. With VPC Endpoints, the routing between the VPC and Elastic Load Balancing APIs is handled by the AWS network without the need for an Internet gateway, NAT gateway, or VPN connection. The latest generation of VPC Endpoints used by Elastic Load Balancing are powered by AWS PrivateLink, an AWS technology enabling the private connectivity between AWS services using Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI) with private IPs in your VPCs. To learn more about AWS PrivateLink, visit the AWS PrivateLink documentation.